Ciao amici! Well, I've finally made it. I arrived in Roma last Thursday, took a taxi to my new beautiful apartment and things have been great ever since. Rome is amazing, and I'd love to post a thousand beautiful pictures, but the internet connection here at school is being stubborn today. So here's what I managed, some pictures of my lovely new Roman apartment, just minutes walking from the Pantheon.
I share the apartment with seven other girls from the program, and most of them are great. We've spent the last couple of nights cooking each other dinner (even I cooked!), wandering around the city and eating plenty of gelato ... luckily, there's a gelato shop with more than 50 flavors right around the corner.

Here is my itty bitty shower. At least I haven't flooded it ... yet ...

This is my bathroom. It's cold, but it's spacious ... for an Italian apartment.

This is one of my lovely roommates, Sandra, in her's and Kristi's bedroom. My bedroom is very similar, but the curtains are red. The beds in all the rooms are ridiculously tiny. But if you comment to an Italian about the size of anything (beds, showers, whatever), they will, in true Italian style, tell you that it's because Italians aren't as fat as Americans. That was the first lesson I really learned here ... there's no political correctness in Italy. They say things straight up, so if you don't want to know what they're really thinking ... don't ask.

This is our living room, complete with TV (but no English channels) and two tables for eating and working. That's my roomie Sarah on the couch, reading a trashy romance novel.

And this is the view from my window. If you take the first right there and walk straight for three minutes, you hit the Pantheon, which I'll try to post pictures of later ... if this Internet thing ever gets worked out.
That's all I think I can manage for now. But I'll hopefully be able to post plenty of pictures soon of Rome, hands-down the best city in the world.
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