From April 9 to April 19, the most wonderful thing happened: spring break! To celebrate my freedom from responsibility, I spent six days chilling with Robby in the deeeeeeeep south of Alabama, where we ate fried pickles at Hooters, conquered some Native Americans, chased tornadoes and watched the confederate flags fly.

The very first thing I saw in Alabama. A yellow pickup truck titled "BAMA." I thought it was appropriate.

Robby, pre-haircut.

I really liked the use of Zs and no Es.

Turns out Helen Keller was born in Tuscumbia, Alabama, where Robby lives. Of course we had to visit her birth place! Robby claims there is a sign that says, "Helen Keller Birthplace: Come See What She Couldn't." AWESOME.

Right across from HK's birthplace is the Tuscumbia Art Museum! I didn't know they even had art in Alabama!

After exhausting ourselves at the extensive art museum, we took a ride to the park, where we conquered this Native American carved from wood:

But then we heard word that there was a TORNADO WARNING nearby. So we jumped in the car and went in search of the twister!

The streets turned Tornado-ey very soon, but, unfortunately, we didn't see any. We did find some cows, though.
Probably the most interesting part of Alabama, to me, was the prevalence of so many confederate flags ... like, here, on this car:

And here, a flag flying:

And here, on a sign in the park:

It was about this time that I started asking myself, "Where
AM I?"

Here's one last picture of Robby (post-haircut) making Rob-burgers. Man, I miss those Wickles!
Since I got home, and spring break ended, I haven't been up to much, except work and grad school work. We took a class field trip to Baltimore last week, so expect pictures of that sometime soon.
Coming up, I only have eight more weeks of school before summer (wahoo!). And in a couple of weeks, all of the fourth and fifth grade are taking a weekend trip to Washington, D.C., and Colonial Williamsburg and Jamestown, Virginia. I think I'm more excited than the kids are!
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