Sunday, February 8, 2009

One Week To Go!

Only one more school week until our mid-winter break. YES!

It's reaching that point at school where I'm tired, the kids are tired, the administration is tired, and so everyone is just cranky. This break coming up is just what we need.

On the upper side of things, this last week was full of some good stuff, too. I started an after-school math club to help students pass the state test that's coming up in a few weeks. It's by invitation only, and the students who weren't invited are so jealous. They ALL want to be in the math club. How cool is that?

The weather has also been warming up (to a low in the 30s rather than a high in the 30s), so I spent a good portion of my time yesterday walking around the south end of Central Park, somewhere I haven't really been before. It was fun! But now I have so much work to do since I ignored it yesterday.

When's that break again?

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